i had program a while aga on 4,5,6 may 2007.
program anak angkat at Tanjung Piai,somewhere not far away from Skudai actually,
about 110 km.around 1.3o hour to get there.
that was my very first comunity service.and i really enjoyed it.very!!
It was great.
well.....my family actually was the ketua kampung.tu yg best tu.
boleh mencapub sikit.eheheh..
and my partner, Amalina.she is veryla sporting, i thought she was arrogant and all,
coz she doesnt talk that much.but once i get to know her, shes just like me.
n my parents said were "kanak-kanak ribenna".ha
The white tudung is Amalina,and the coklat is jijah, her frend.so fun having her to be my sister, couldnt as for other.heheh.
Amalina takes civil.n guess what, tetibe je dia kenal sinyu n brandon.terkezut. nthen she told me that, time balik tu dia ada tnye, whether they know me or not, n they said.yes.haha....
buat malu....!!gosh2..naseb bek its hard to see them around kat UTM tu, kalo x...i pun xtau.heh
ni pulak duk kat depan rumah ngan jiran2 tetangga.
yang oren kat tgh2 tu my ayah angkat.mr Rohaizad.
dua laki sebelah tu jiran, datang rumah kitorang makan.awal pulak tuh!huhu..
buat malu je, kitorang x mandi lagi.haha...
syah and raj.Raj is mpp actually.
Syah tu biase je, hes a computer science.
This is my friend.nana, elya n me!!
we had so much fun there!semua keluarga lain2,tapi paling susah nk jumpe, nana la, coz she lived quite far from our house.
This my Fasilatotor grup.
kitorang ada 4 org, norman, Syed, me and Elya.
Grup n mmg ntah ape2, byk lawak bodoh je, nk merepek, cakap aku x pandai masak.hey, sape ckp!!!
im in fact a good cooker!
but couldnt asked for a better one!Grup ni mmg best, siap habis awal n meronggeng g jalan2 kat rumah aku.
Norman belanje aiskrim $0.20.
pastu kita melancong kt rubah adik2 tu, sian nak balik rumah, tapi jauh gle...serious, aku bawak kete Huda, adela, around 15 minit.mmg jauh gle.
dia ni MPP UTM, hes the one who invited us to join this program.
hes under perhubungan luar.mmg best gle, join jabatan nie.
n hes such a cute n best leader.haha...
sporting bangat.I mean, kalo ade kitorang lagila best program ni, cause we are so loud and hyperactive, especially, dapat tau, kampung ni xde semangat kerjasama.tu yang kite nak tarik org kampung ni.
first memory n i will cherish it 4 ever!great time.
1 comment:
owh...di sini la kenal arm aka gengster hahaha
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