hey....u guys know rite, this is my 2nd job.
so haritu (monday).....walaupon dah cam lapuk, nak cerita gak! x kira!
i have some deadline work at Exxon tower tu near KLCC.
ok fine.....i sesat nak g parking at convec. ok ok....laugh all u want.
bukan apa...it was like 1.30 like that, n cars were everywhere....??whatttt the???
i tought mmg xnak la park at klcc cuz, maybe its gona b a bit far, but then i got lost at jalan bukit bintang tu..dengn traficc jam nye...sabar jela.
thats y I HATE KL!!
sampai pulak kat parking convec tu tiba2, full lot. dia x bagi masuk. nak xnak, kene jugak parking kat KLCC....huuu......n walk quite faarrrr..
ok ok
thats that...
this is wat i want to share..
dah settle things at exxon tu, i pergila suria...n i was like walking really fast. yela..nak catch up balik ofis lagi..
then, at one corner, sebelah i, there was someone standing and watching me! i was like...wattt?? (x ckp la) muka i pon cam dah kerek2. then i realise.....
erm..... muka cam dah nk cam sikit2...uhuhu...
then i said. Ehhhh cik Mail! my ex-bos!!! x sangkaaa..
hahahaa...i think i was blushing tht time. yela...dah la panas.! pastu berjalan dgn laju....suppose my face is red by that time. i couldnt imagine! uhuhuhu
n he was like...owh..how r u? bla...bla bla....then dia mintak my name card.
aku pon excited la nak bagi..then dia ckp u have mine rite?
aku pon cam....haaa...ade kot.ehehe padahal mana ade) nak mtk pon cam dh segan dah.
anyway....xpela....x rugi pon. i dont want anythng 2 do wit my previous cmpany anymore.
*jahat giler*
ok say all u want. i nak balik shah alam pon sesat jugk! sampai pergi Ampang jaya ke hapa! ish.!
geram btol la jln Kl ni. kesian kwn2 aku jadi mngsa col.
i n citer after that wat hepen. xpela.hehee...sooner or later ull find out.!
peace out

ish2....ko ni,kl is not that difficult.plus kan ke ari tu da tunjuk jln...
haha I am the same as you, sesat memanjang kalau masuk KL..
eh btw you shah alam section berapa? my family has been living there for the past 23 years.
apiz : hahaa..tu lain. ni lain.byk sgt jln. aku kompius!kene beli gps kot
faruq : oh really?? seksyn 32.kalo umah i kat usj.uhu
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