lamanya tak update blog.
now its 1.30am time saif tgh tido.. .boleh la kalau i nak tulis tulis sikit.
dah lama nak tulis blog. tak sempat je... huhu
tapi harini i make an exemption.. sebab this date need to be remember 26.6.2016. bulan ramadhan yang mulia ( 10 ramadhan terakhir) . dengan berkat doa mama abah , rakan2, suami..i sendiri pon tak putus solat hajat kat rumah.. finally harini lulus viva dengan b2. correction 6 bulan. inshaallah with a PHD in my hand. alhamdulillah...syukur sgt2.
memang masa present tadi macam nak cepat jeee... tgk2 time memang nagm2 habis 30minit. tak sempat chairman nak stop kan i. hehe
panel : prof nasir (external)
panel : prof fuad (internal)
prof ruzairi ( tak boleh bercakap)
prof yahya (chairman)
dr amri (assistant chairman)
pm ir herlina ( absent)
present tu xda masalah.. just baca je... tapi part nak jawab soalan tu lemauuu je.
and the panel said im not confident. ( memang betul) rasa rendah diri sgt... mcm x layak nak dpt PHD. tapi memng byk benda kita kene diam je... sebab ..xnak menjawab and show our weaknesses...
boleh je nak menjawab... tapi jawapan yg nak jawab tu kdg2 menampak kan yg kita ni mcm x reti..
for example : panel tanya napa u tak buat method ni sekian2.. i x jawab apa2. (tapi dalam otak cakap... i tak reti nak buat sebenarnya.. thats y tak buat..huhu). tapi kita diam je.. sebab xnak show tak we cannot do it. just agree on what the panel said. huhu. (memang x konfident langsung.. cakap pon macam bisik2. takut salah. haha)
soalan senang je.. tapi bila nak jawab macam ragu2. adoiiiiiiiiiii... i donno what got into me today. masa praktis tu kemain lg prepare sampai kejang otot mulut bercakap.huhu
tapi i notice it myself juga. pasni kene be more confident and more prepare!
anyway.. alhamdulillah . rezeki ramdhan sebenarnya. and Allah help me through the viva.
tq to prof ruzairi my supervisor. hes my life saver.haha.
now i can smile during hari raya and shopping with a free mind.~~~
finally rest in peace.
better start my correction now.
tq all

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