my weekend last week was very tiring.
But i enjoyed it very much, seems like i appreciate my life so far.
ecehhh..... ;p
Haritu, supposedly we want to buy our tiket bus for our journey episode..jeng3...
But, the ticket lady says, u have to go at least one week before the schedule plan, due to technical maintenance or something. So the main objective is not achieved yet.grr...
Then, we were lost for a moment, not sure wat to do, of us decided to go to the MUzeum for the pameran keranda.
DAripada tgk movie Rm10, baek g muzeum RM2, save bajet sikit. isnt tht so....
There were quite a lot of people, x seperti yg djangkakan.sgt ramai smp bersesak2.isk!
banyak juga la keranda nya....its just like a ghost house!
siap ada sound effect sume.COol! ;)
*muka teruja x boleh bla..huhuhu...*
Dah la first time g muzeum negara. agak jakun jugakla, walopon mmg orng kl.ngahak.
n first time jugakla solat d masjid negara.uhu..
my stomoch still hurt, from the overdue workout! yaikz!isk..
n i have a new hobby starting tomorrow! cant wait~~~ahahaa...~~
harap maklum.