Monday, August 31, 2009

Malaysia Aniversary


Today suppose to be the 52- National Day of Malaysia. But too bad i woke up in the afternoon, so I didn't got a chance to go "cuci mata" around KL. ala..... i bet there's nothing to see, but my frend said there's a 2ndhand sale down at jalan Bkit Bintang. Damn!!!! But when i start accumulate my decision whether to go or not, it's better not to. first no money. 2nd were fasting and may get tired of walking....ahak....NOT!!

So....not much going on because the National Day falls on Ramadhan. So I better stay at home lar.....from getting more sins , i better lock myself in the house...hahahahaa!!!!

Actually, Im so damn bored I decided to do TAG from Elya.hehe... ;p
here it is : 25 facts about me

1- I dont mind being alone. depends on what situation im in.
2- I cant help myself to drive fast. but im a careful person ok ;p
3- I love money $_$ but now I have non
4- Sometimes I can get a bit stubborn (buat muka)
5- I like to do things my way ( a good way ok )
6- I like my laptob and phone very much ;)
7- I HATE everthing that can fly n have many legs (bees, flies, spiders....u name it)
8- I dont like to do the same routine everyday
9- I am a clumsy person. But still trying to be a better one
10- I get excited when going to the beach or theme park
11- I am a friendly person n poyos one ( once u get to know me)
12- I love and adore my family very much
13- I can be very sensitive sometimes.
14- If u mess wif me, there's a big chance that ur not on my friends list
15- I can easily be influence or influence others.
16- I like hanging out wif all my friends (love u guys)
17- I like to watch horror movie wif friends and scream like HELL....muahaha
18- When im sick, I get moody and quiet.
19- I loVEee to eat ~~ low fat please ;p
20- I can be crazy sometimes and do wild things
21- I love travelling and getting to the highest view (WOah)
22- Everyday I will pray to Allah to give me n my familly a blessing life to live.
23- Ive been to 6 schools since i was a kid ( keluarga nomad )
24- I just graduated from UTM and still jobless
25- Im not perfect and dont intend to be one ;)

thats it
NOw your turn,
TAG your it ;p

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Big misunderstanding


Today i was so Not in the mood. This morning when i just step in the room i get scolded. Aiyoo........pagi2 lagi dah marah..buat mood aku down je.Hishh..............
Then there was a huge quarrel between my trainer n one of the student. SO LOUD that the next class could hear us.hishh..........It was kind of actually my fault, but no need to make a big deal out of it. COOL OFF la....hishh.......
sabar jela aku~~~~~

Thank God it didn't last for long. After that everything went back to normal. hahaaahaaa.....Funny lar those people. lol....

But it all started with this 1 complaint email that i send. So i was kind of "guilty" for some reason as well...hehe......but that trainer should not take it personally la. It was a suggestion to improve wattt.....just take it as +ve critics la. hishh.........

So it was just a big misunderstanding.
take whats good, and leave the bad one.
pepatah melayu always says " buang yg keruh, ambil yg jernih "
Ini semua Dugaan d bulan puasa.
To fix myself as well as to remind others.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ramadhan menjelma kembali ;)


On the 22 of August 2009, starts fasting season for all Muslim people in the world.

As for me ????? Not any more a student, no more opening fast with friends. Fuh~~~ teringat dulu2 mesti everyday g Bazaar dengan member2 pastu beli x ingat duet dlm poket. men rembat je apa yg x patut. uhuk2.....
Now???? bukak puasa kat rumah je. Dah duduk pun kat rumah...masak la apa yg patuit. ye x?? hikhik.....
I really hope i can Gain as much 'Pahala n good deed' during this year Ramadhan season. nak kurangkan makan sebab tgh diet.ngeh3.....
AAaahh~~~~nak puasa penuh tahun nih ( not possible ok) . nak g semayang terawih sampai habis sebulan. Insyaallah.......

Allah swt berfirman di dalam Al-Qur'an :

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa." (Al-Baqarah : 183)

Wahai Ramadhan
Bulan yang berkah dan berbahagia
Bagi mereka yang menyucikan diri
Memenuhi segala kewajipan ilahi
Kami kini menuju kepada-Mu
Membawa harapan membersihkan diri
Daripada segala dosa-dosa yang lalu

Salam sejahtera buat-Mu rasul yang terpuji
Pertunjuk sunnah-Mu menjadi panduan diri
Kami akan melalui
madrasah Ramadhan kali ini

Moga darinya kami berjaya melawan nafsu sendiri
Akhirnya mampu turun berjihad
menongkah arus jahiliyyah
Menawan syaitan dan semua musuh keji
Menegakkan syariat Allah di bumi sendiri

ramadhan1.jpg (441×361)

Monday, August 17, 2009

MY CONVOCATION!!!!!!! weeee~~~~~


Alhamdulillah.....Im finally at home.
Terasa sayu hati ini meningglkan UTM tercinta.berpisah ngn member2.........nth bile akan ketemu lagi.wuwuuuu~~~~~~~~~~~( nak nanges tau).

sempena convo ku ini. aku dtg awal sikit hari kamis mlm(12.30am Jumaat) sebab ada raptai fazila yg drive. sian dia.hehe..aku lupa nk byr duit tol.adoiiii......... ;p

Then makan2 la update citer memasing......lalalalaa..~~~~~~
petang jumaat teman member2 terima anugerah medal dean mereka.
ade 5 sebnrnye gurl sei : nana, afah, wit, ezreen, fazila (missing).Pastu parent datang sabtu tu. paksa suh amik i kat K9 walopon sempit( hard to breathe). sebab diorng duk hotel mahal tu...Putri Pacific..mana aci x ikut. tapi i x sleepoverla...just hang around je.huhuhu..... sambil2 g PC fair kt PEsada nu...
wajib pakai mask muka tuh~~~menci...byk kali kena tegur ( time ni tgh senyum gumbira tp x nmpk)huhu....~~my dear2 family~~
my dad flew all de way from uzbek... heeeee ;)

time ni sengal sikit sebab hujan..pastu benti pastu ujan balik. So last2 lepak kat tasik sampai ujan benti.huhuuu..~~~~ ;0Gegambar ngn dak2 civilian pulak. Sian dorang sebab sesi petang ahad tu ujan. So aku pun join la hari ni snap2. Member punye pasal. x jadi balik ngn member yg ade kete pastu tiket bas kul 12 burn beli kul 3 punye. Convo punye pasal. huahuaa...~~~~Then tup2 dua tiga snap habis batery. DEMMM lupa nk charge~~~~ ;0

Sebenarnye banyak lagi gmbr drpd profesional fotographer yg len2 .....cewahhh~~~ so pepandaila korang upload or emel d mana2 ye.......


rasa cam sengal2 badan la...xnak g training la esok.penat seh......haahahahaaa...

Friday, August 07, 2009

12.34.56 saat. 7/8/


sonok wat countdown sendiri.....;))

Actually today at my training program have a talk on brest cancer from the ministry of health.
I already knew about all this but just that sometimes it just slip out of my mind and forgot. Weird and scary. But it's a fact. Just an aware to ourself about this serious matter. Avoid it while you still can gurls.!!!!!

After that got an interview with HSBC. Where they actually go there n interview the students. I thought at first i wanna go, but then after got a talk first at 3.30pm, the interview will take a long time. and "takut sesak di dalam tren nanti ", so i went back loh......(berlagak sehhh) macamla aku ni bagus sgt~~~hahahaa.... but then xda kaitan wif my background study pun. I'll wait for other option la.

Oh My God. next wik (16/8/09) dah nak naik atas pentas amik degree!!!!!

i hope that i wouldn't trip or embarassed myself up there.
hahahahaa...~~~~~~;)) weee...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Musim sakit agaknya~~~


yeah..still sick. x larat nak g memana.

Yesterday g klinik. kerek giler doctor tu. siap jeling2 lagi..Arrgghhhhhhh.....ingat aku ni buat2 sakit ke>adoiiii!!!! mesti dia fedap kot, ramai sngt patient jumpa dia sebab tkt kene jgnkit H1N1 tu. aku kalo batuk mmg lama nk cure sikit. but my mum yg beria suh g klinik tu. g jela. takut gak kalo kene penyakit "ituu".......n aku just normal flu je.lalalaaaaa~~~~ ;p

Semalm jgk after class g PC Fair kt KLCC. xdela semeriah dulu time aku beli labtop dulu tu.mmg happening giler2.mayb sebab ari Jumaat kot.xda mood sgtla. yela....elaun pun x masuk lagi, ada hati pulak tu nk g PC fair. Nasib bek xda duit. If i got pun, i'm just going to spend it anyway.
I feel like buying MP5. It's so cute la that day n also not that expensive. RM199. ok watttt???
pastu nk beli beg laptob jugak. then nak tukar modem broadband, pastu nk beli camera lagi .huahuahuaaa....................last2 aku kuar PC fair dengan tangan kosong. SO proud of myself.ehe ....lalalalaaaa.. ;(

hurm...........harap2 elaun msk next wik. hahahaaaaa...........
jimat wei jimatt!!!!!

and i bet my interview result will come out next wik. cuak giler. kalo dapat camne???
aku kompius jugak nie. bukan xmo kerja, but just that im in this training, so should i finish this first or accept it.hahaha...belum dapat lagi dah berangan. tolongla. ;p

ok nk sambg tgk vertical limit.